

giovedì 31 ottobre 2019

Elegant Halloween

Hello there!
Happy Halloween's Eve!
I feel I have already done many Halloween designs, the spooky night, the monster nails, zombie nails....this year I wanted something more sofisticated but still uncanny.

For this nail art I have decided to use this Born Pretty Store stamping plate. It is plate Texure L001 id code #46961 . It is a plate that is compltetely dedicated to marble designs. It is perfect to create an iper realistic marble veins desegn, or even opal or rose quartz or turquoise effect.

On the bottom part it has different marble pattern, in negative and positive so you can stamp on dark and light colours, it has also a design that mimic the water marble effect, so cool right?
On the top half it has a larger portion with singular marble veins and cracked lines, I think this part is meant to layered with different colours or colours with different opacity and pigmentation. Some marble veins are sheer and translucent.

 In the mood for  Halloween I used this wanderful marble plate to give the idea of veins and vessels.
I manly used the top part. I stamped over a clear fake nails with a pigmented red colour.
The I covered the entire nails with a glossy soak off top coat, then I painted the half of the nail with a dark red soak off polish from Mandam Glam, Queen of hearts. Then I secured the design with another layer of no wipe top coat.

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