In today’s post I would like to show you a big set of water decals from the Born Pretty Store online store.
You will get a sheet with 12 water decals pattern to use on your nails. It measure 24,5 cm x 15,8 cm, so it is very large and the price is only 1,29 usd at the moment. You can choose between two sets, I chose number 1 because I thought the colours were more suitable for spring/summer.
I really love each designs, some are more realistic, others more stylized, my favourite ones are in a watercolour style that I find very girly and delicate.

If you decide to give this product a try please don't forget to use my coupon code, it will give you another 10% off: RASX31 on www.bornprettystore.com
I love water dacals because they are an easy and fast way to switch your nail look form normal to fancy. The big advantage of water decals is how thin they are. They lay flat on the nails and once you apply top coat everything is smooth. You can see from this closer look that they are completely seamless, with no wrinkles, bumps, or lines.
I decided to use first the ones with roses and daises. This pattern has beautiful pastels colours, and very nice details of petals and leaves.I used them on a white base because it is the best option for light decals.
It all for now!
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