Something able to capture every ray of light and trasform it in a beautiful rainbow!
What am I talking about? Love? Wine? Xanax?
Nahhhh! Holo powder!
The Holo powder that I used for these nails is from
You can find it at this link
for only 1.99 in different glitter sizes, the one I have is the finest one. It would be wonderful to try the bigger glitter too, maybe next time!
The holo dust comes in a transparent plastic container with the capacity of 3 gr.
It is very hard to capture with a camera the shifting magic of these kind of products! I don't know why but holo is very hard to get with full focus images so you need to take pictures or videos with the main subject out of focus.
You can believe me, under the sun light this powder is amazing.
I used a torch to show you the rainbow shifting in this video:
I used the powder over a holographic nail polish, I applied it only on the tip of the nails with a make up sponge.
Here is a small video tutorial:
Is your life still messed up? Yes?! But your nails are fabulous!
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